
 We're back from our Christmas break! (post to come on holiday traditions soon)

Peeling back the layers of history here is so interesting! Almuñécar has a rich history dating back thousands of years - and phenomenal landmarks sprinkled around town that bear testament to the varied peoples who've inhabited the place.

The big four cultures/civilizations are those of:

The Phoenicians (dating back to the 7th/8th century BCE)

The Romans (it was renamed Firmum Iulium Sexi at some time near the establishment of the Roman Empire)

The Muslims (the last of the Umayyad clan, Abderraman, is said to have come upon its shores in 755 CE, and is then that the town became known as Al-Munakkab - the derivation of its familiar name Almuñécar)

And finally, the Catholic kings, after the reconquista of the 15th century CE.

The Castillo de San Miguel, seen below, just above the ancient ruins of the fish salting factory, is a product of the influence of all of these peoples (a post to come on that soon too, for all our history fans!)

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